Video and Audio
Mike in media ...

The following details some of the videos and audio items where I've been in where I'm talking about IT.

Why Facilitation is an Undervalued Skill Testers Need Develop

You've seen the t-shirt that proclaims 'another meeting which should have been an email'. In this talk, Mike will look at what makes meetings tick. Indeed, you may find your perception changed as to what productive meeting looks like! Mike will also explore how you can take the reins and make your meetings work better...

Adventures In Infrastructure Testing

More and more we're looking to test not such the software put up on a site, but the infrastructure we've deployed to support it. In this session I look at some tricks to test the infrastructure is working as desired.

Write up here.

AI & Testing & Chatbots ... Oh My!

The Power Of Prediction

Looking at how fundamentally machine learning is about allowing us to predict, and follows models we've used in science for hundreds of years.

Write up here.

Our First Machine Learning Model

Building a 'hello world' equivalent for machine learning, a model to predict how long it will take a toy car to travel a distance. Then looking at how this can get complicated.

Write up here.

Classification With AI

Looking at examples which instead of using regression to predict, use classification to state that a certain case is 'most like'.

Write up here.

Into The Chatbot

Looking into the setup of a working chatbot to understand more what is going on.

Write up here.

Wargames (Screen Testing)

The 1983 movie Wargames was highly influential on me. I'd recieved my first computer the year before, and had taken my first steps into programming (I remember programming my first algorithms to make maths homework easier - oh the joy!)

In this podcast with Dan Billing and Neil Studd, we revisit the film, asking if it still holds up today ...

Biscuit Testing - A Scientific Approach (Testing Talks)

In this podcast from Testing Talks, I was interviewed by Joe Colantonio to explain what I called a biscuit testing approach to testing systems.

To find out what I mean by that, you'll have to listen to the recording ...

Follow the link to the podcast ...

Better Unit Testing (Test Automation Guild 2018)

My team created this video of an exploration of the Panther fuel calculator problem which we'd previously run as a workshop.

In the video, two of my team show an approach of how to work through such a testing challenge together. We've recieved high praise for this video for showing how pair programming and testing should work.

TEASER: Here be dragons! Taming the technical beasts

The puppet teaser video I created for Lisa Crispin and Janet Gregories course ...

Stop Motion - The Calculation

One of my last collaborations with my friend Violet, who died in 2010, and was a very important character in my life.